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Congrats you’re in 🎉 And now there’s even better news…

Maximize Your SurveyTale Experience by Upgrading to  Ultra 🙌

The Ultimate Choice for Teams and Agencies

Included in Ultra

Showcase Your Brand's Identity with Branding Removal

Make Every Survey Uniquely Yours – No ‘Powered by SurveyTale’ Tag

Seamless Brand Integration

Remove the SurveyTale branding to ensure your surveys and forms seamlessly match your company's branding and aesthetic.

Professional Appeal

Elevate the professionalism of your surveys, presenting a clean, branded experience to your users.

Brand Consistency

Maintain brand consistency across all platforms and customer touchpoints, enhancing brand recognition and trust.

Customized Experience

Tailor the look and feel of your surveys to align perfectly with your brand, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Included in Ultra

Expand Your Business with  Commercial Use Rights

Unlock New Revenue Streams by Offering SurveyTale as a Service

Client Service Expansion

Offer SurveyTale’s capabilities as part of your service portfolio to clients.

Additional Revenue Opportunities

Generate new income streams by selling SurveyTale as a standalone service.

Enhanced Service Offerings

Enrich your business offerings, providing comprehensive survey solutions to clients.

Business Growth Potential

Leverage SurveyTale to attract a broader clientele and grow your business.

Included in Ultra

Streamline Your Operations with Sub-Account & Multi-Product Support

Effortlessly Manage Multiple Brands and Products Under One Roof

Sub-Account Creation

Organize your surveys by creating separate sub-accounts for each company or client you manage.

Product-Specific Organization

Categorize and manage surveys for different products within each company account for superior organization.

Ideal for Multiple Brands

A perfect feature for businesses handling multiple brands or product lines.

Client-Friendly Structure

Agencies can effortlessly handle surveys for different clients, maintaining clear segregation and management.

Included in Ultra

Optimize Support with 
Advanced Team Management

Enhance collaborative efforts and streamline the organization of your support staff. It allows you to create groups of agents based on their specific roles and responsibilities, ensuring a more organized and effective approach to customer support.

Dynamic Grouping

Organize your agents into teams that reflect their expertise and responsibilities. This structure supports a more focused and specialized approach to handling customer queries.

Multi-Team Membership

Agents aren’t limited to just one team. They can be part of multiple groups, allowing for versatile and dynamic support coverage.

Collaborative Conversation Assignment

Assign conversations not just to individual agents, but also to teams. This is particularly useful for collaborative problem-solving and when handling complex customer issues.

By leveraging the Team Management feature, you empower your agents to work more cohesively, leading to faster resolutions and a more organized workflow.

Included in Ultra

Supercharge Your Workflow with Premium Integrations

Integrate SurveyTale seamlessly with tools like Zapier, n8n,
Make.com, AirTable, and Google Sheets.

Effortless Data Flow

Automatically pass survey data to thousands of third-party apps, streamlining your data management.

Enhanced Productivity

Save time and reduce manual effort with automated workflows.

Real-Time Data Sync

Ensure your survey data is always up-to-date across all connected platforms.

Included in Ultra

Go Limitless with  Webhook & API Support

Unleash Full Potential with Advanced Customization and Automation

Trigger-Based Webhooks

Set webhooks to activate based on specific survey actions, perfect for CRM updates, outreach automations, and more.

Endless Customization Possibilities

Use the API to tailor SurveyTale for unique use cases and custom applications.

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly integrate with your existing systems for a unified workflow.

Real-Time Interactivity

Enable dynamic interactions between SurveyTale and other platforms in real time.

Just to summarize everything you’ll get
when you upgrade to SurveyTale Ultra

FeatureSurveyTale ProSurveyTale   Ultra
Branding Removal
Commercial Use
Sub-Account Support
Multi-Product Support
Team Management
Premium Integrations
Webhook & API Support
Upgrade to Ultra

Upgrade now for just $804 $333

Billed annually. Cancel anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have some questions in mind. We tried to list the most
common ones. If your question is not listed here, then please contact us.

No, unfortunately the deal at this price is a one-time offer and will expire when you leave this page.  That is why now is the best time to upgrade your account.

No, you can add as many users as you would like. 

No, you can add as many users as you would like. 

A: No, your subscription can be canceled at any time.

Yes!  With SurveyTale Ultra you will have loads of options for how you want to connect SurveyTale with your apps.  Most of you will want to utilize our Zapier, n8n or Make.com integration.  Those integrations will unlock thousands of integrations with 3rd party apps.  For people a little more technical, you can do custom integrations using webhooks or our API.

Upgrade now for just $804 $333

Billed annually. Cancel anytime.